
  • Sensitize employers and employees on health and safety issues in the workplace

Elevating Workplace Safety: the Chamber of Employees’ Campaign for Health at Work

In the European Week for Safety and Health at Work, we spearheaded a multi-faceted campaign to raise awareness about workplace safety for the Chamber of Employees. Our strategy was to energize and unite employers and employees around the common goal of risk prevention.

Our Work

We proposed a strategic approach that had a significant impact on our client’s communication campaign.

Hashtag #WorkSafe: To maximize reach and engagement, we emphasized the use of the hashtag #WorkSafe. This created a unifying element for the campaign, providing online visibility.

Slogan “Together, Let’s Prevent Risks!”: The slogan we crafted, “Together, Let’s Prevent Risks!” became the rallying cry of the campaign, effectively conveying the message of collective responsibility in preventing workplace risks.

Content Creation: We produced one compelling advertisement and 5 engaging video clips, all designed to focus on solutions rather than problems. This approach resonated with the audience by providing actionable insights and solutions.

Cinematographic Approach with Motion Design: To enhance the emotional impact of the campaign, we employed a cinematographic approach coupled with motion design animations. This combination created a visual spectacle that left a lasting impression and reinforced the campaign’s message.

By combining a motivating tone, effective messaging, and visually striking content, we were able to make a substantial impact on the communication efforts of our client.