A day fully dedicated to the integration of foreigners
Orientation Day
Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees

- Offer a platform facilitating contact with the main administrations of the country
- Promote the integration of foreigners
- Empower participants to create meaningful connections that contribute to the development of collaborative support networks

Our Work
The Orientation Day is an official program by the Ministry of Family, Solidarity, Living Together and Welcome designed for the signatories of the Welcome and Integration Contract. This event serves as a platform for interaction between future citizens and over 30 government agencies, with the overarching goal of facilitating their integration. Our role encompasses the full spectrum of event execution, from strategic communication and branding to managing the technical and logistical intricacies. On the day of the event, our team of hosts ensures seamless reception and flow of the 700 participants, while the main event is animated by innovative gamification activities, making the experience both interactive and enjoyable. With each edition, we introduce new gamification activities to increase the impact and memorization.

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