
Communicate Transformation

Clearly articulate Minusines’ transition into the digital and energy sectors, demonstrating how the company is evolving while staying true to its roots.

Introduce the New Brand Identity

Launch the new logo and visual brand identity that reflect the company’s innovative approach to sustainability and technology.

Educate on Digital and Energy Transition

Utilize the explainer video and other digital content to educate stakeholders about Minusines’ role and offerings in the digital and sustainable energy landscape.

Our Work

As Minusines approaches a monumental centennial, this industrial pioneer is poised to redefine its legacy in the context of digital advancement and energy transition. To encapsulate this transformative phase, we’ve crafted a comprehensive rebranding strategy, including a new logo and graphic guidelines that mirror their progressive outlook.

The new logo serves as a beacon of Minusines’ enduring commitment to innovation, sustainability, and technological leadership. It reflects a future-oriented ethos while honoring a century of industry preeminence.

Our integrated communication efforts, from the website redesign to the development of an explanatory video narrative, aim to elucidate Minusines’ strategic direction. Press advertisements, design of visuals to explain the transition and immersive video content have been key in articulating the brand’s renewed positioning, ensuring that Minusines remains synonymous not only with past achievements but with future possibilities in the realms of digital solutions and sustainable energy.
