100% Team spirit

Learn “out of the box” thinking with The Innovation Virus, enhance team communication with Communication Coaching, build cohesion with Dance with Horses, and experience Falconry. Tackle problem-solving with Strong in Trials, enjoy creative Charades Aperitif, and engage in team quizzes and CultuRallye. Design symbolic team coats of arms and create chain reactions with the Domino Effect.

The innovation virus

How to generate ideas and develop the creativity of your teams? Learn to think “out of the box” and find solutions in groups through different activities such as dominoes, the tower of values or improvisation.

Communication coaching

Do you have internal communication challenges? Do you face misunderstandings related to cultural differences? Supervised by a coach, your team will be encouraged to become aware and find solutions to problems in a fun way. After a diagnosis of your needs, we will establish a scenario and propose the appropriate activities. At the same time, we can offer you short or medium term support.

Dance with horses

This approach with horses will allow you to develop your team cohesion, to value winning behaviors while modifying those that are unsuitable, all with a strong emotional anchor.


Discover the art of taming birds of prey! You will be able to understand the techniques for taming these wild animals while exploring the relational aspect of this activity.

Strong in trials

Step into a world that will take you from wonder to mystery, from amazement to shivers! Through a site where the unexplainable follows the fantastic, it’s up to you to gather the clues and piece together the elements to find the key leading to the scroll of truth.

Charades aperitif

Can you find out who is behind the charade?

The charades aperitif is a fun activity that combines creativity and deduction. Beforehand, each participant sends us a charade, a rebus, a fun fact, a hidden secret of a riddle… that defines him or her in an original way. On the day of the event, the guests will have to guess who is hiding behind the charades and then take a picture of them to create the company’s trombinoscope. Do you know your colleagues well? Can you find out who is behind the charade?

Blind test musical

Put your musical knowledge to the test!

Sound extracts, names of musicians, names of songs, find the lyrics, choreography… participants are invited to reveal their musical culture while having fun! Hosted by our host, DJ Snoop Doggy Bag, our blind test combines speed and creativity with a touch of humour! More than just a music quiz, this game also calls on participants’ choreographic and vocal skills!

Ultimate quiz show

Let yourself be carried away by the thrill of the game!

Inspired by the great TV shows, this quiz combines tasting, musical knowledge, G culture and fun challenges. Hosted by our famous host Gilbert Monlatin, our Ultime Quiz Show will give your employees a great time while developing their team spirit.

Navigating the maze of unspoken rules

Are you ready to face the unknown?

During our “CultuRallye,” participants experience a “cultural shock” as they navigate varying rules in different settings. Communication is soon restricted to non-verbal cues when players switch tables with unique guidelines. The core focus is on silently adapting to or imposing new rules, enhancing adaptability and non-verbal communication skills.

Design your coat of arms

Are you prepared to unleash the power of symbolism?

A coat of arms is a unique symbol representing a group’s identity. During this activity participants embark on a creative journey to create the coat of arms of their department or company. Team members are invited to think about the personality of the team and define their values and mission. They can then use this design much like a logo to remind themselves of what they want and what they stand for. Continuously seeing the team coat of arms can have a positive effect on the team and motivate them to choose wisely when making decisions so they can fulfil their mission.

Creative & strategic chain reactions: Domino Effect

Let the thrill take over!

The Domino Effect is a high-energy team experience focused on creativity and collaboration. In limited time, teams build a complex domino course, aiming for a 75% knockdown rate. Guided by moderators, participants tackle various challenges with creative solutions.